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Furbo Dog Camera

Even though I'm perfectly fine at home on my own (and mostly snoozing or snoopervizing the neighbourhood), the humans wish they could spend more time with me during the week. But someone has to go to work to pay for my treats and travels!

Maman's first Christmas present after I joined house le corgi was a "nanny cam" to check on me when away - an early model with not much interactivity or anything really. Just before Christmas, Furbo sent us their dog camera as a gift, so we could trial it and help their UK launch.

I quickly figured where the treats are coming from so the device has to be kept away from my furry short self (on a table) but we love it! It's been dubbed my "overlord" and I am known to refusing to go up for my last walk before bed, until I hear the sound of the treat tosser ;)

We also made a fun Christmas / Holiday film for them:

  • Barking Alert: it detects barking and sends push notifications to your phone so you can check what fido is doing

  • 2-Way Audio (hear what's happening at home and talk to your pet)

  • Live streaming HD Video (720p) with wide angle, 4 x digital zoom and infrared LED night vision

  • Photo & Video capture

  • Interactive treat tossing: mimics clicker training by making a sound before tossing a treat, helping the dog establish a positive feeling towards the device. Recommended treats of a round shape with a diameter of 0.4" (1cm) - we use my Fish4Dogs kibble and it works great!

  • Uses colours the dog can see (blue and yellow) to attract the dog's attention when you're tuned in

  • Spill proof design (maybe not corgi proof though hihi) with a bamboo wooden cover, durable and looking good!

  • A dedicated Facebook group and great customer service!


- Broadband internet connection (1Mbps upload recommanded) - Wi-Fi or Ethernet - Available power outlet - iOS 8 or newer - Android 4.1 or newer

Furbo has a recommended retail price of £249 but is currently on sale on Amazon for £199, and you can use code "FURBOMAR" for an extra £15 OFF !

for people who love dogs

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