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Le 2018 Resolutions & Wish List

2017 has been one flufftastic year at House Le Corgi: the new friends made, fans we got to meet, all the love we received (and were able to give back), being the first dog to ever be invited at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Maman leaving her office job to do more of the things she love (guess what it includes travelling - with me, and being available to feed me 24/7), an epic road trip to Europe, incorgnito visit to Amsterdam's red light districts (whoops), going up the London Eye, on board the Royal Yacht Britannia (twice), visiting some amazingly dog-friendly places, getting to know how gorgeous the UK is, test some really cool products (and treats, loads of them), take the paws on several occasions (watch out Netflix and Madame Tussauds Dubai), becoming the first rePAWter with the Evening Standard, and joining the therapy dog clan... I raise my tail to you, 2017!

For 2018 (the Chinese Year of the Dog) we have decided to do more of the things we love, including:

EAT (and TRAVEL ok ok)

  • Travel to the USA (and Canada) - Those of you following me since my humble beginnings on Facebook in 2013 will know that my brother from another mother, Jasper Islington, lives across the pond in DC. Our humans have met each other several times and met each of us but him and I are yet to come snout to snout. How about making this happen in 2018, and getting to shake paws with my fellow North American corgis and fans? And perhaps also join Corgi Beach Day on the West Coast? Suggestions welcome especially on how to cross the pond without stress for myself...

  • Go back to gorgeous Scotland - and visit all the areas I'm yet to see there, especially the North Coast and isles.

  • Take another road trip - maybe with a camper van or side car (I already have the arm fringe to drive a vintage bike after all).

  • Add more countries to my corguide (corgi guide) list of 11: Scandinavia, Spain and Portugal (we hear the president there is called Marcelo and also loves Marcelfies ;) ) are top of our list. Hopefully good old le corgi mobile will survive another year to help with this.

  • Show all of you le best of (dog welcoming in) the UK and abroad on my social media, this blog, and via the platforms I rePAWT with. Here's to going back to the Motherland, Wales, some time soon too!

  • Prove the sky it isn't the limit by flying (just maybe not in the haul).

  • Starting in January I'll also be releasing a dog-friendly guide to the country featured on my 2018 Calendar, every month, with the places we visited during our trips there.


  • Every day! And only skip my agility (yes corgis can jump, and run, fast!) when really necessary as Maman and I have so much fun there!

  • Spend more time at the park too (two of us need the exercising more than the other)

  • Meet the pups and people that inspire us for a play date or Marcelfie - Jasper Islington, Her Majesty The Queen, Justin Trudeau (apparently I have this charisma?), the humans with the most majestic eye brows and chest floof (Sir Ian McKellen, Tom Selleck, Cara Delevingne... did I forget anyone?)

  • Host my own pool pawty (inflatable unicorn included)

  • Take one day off social media every week (or try!) and get Maman @photobyA4 to use that day to develop her own business (she can photograph something else than corgis, shocking right!) and relax!


  • Be the ring bearer at a wedding (I know a couple happening this year ;) )

  • Take the humans somewhere nice and relaxing (and by relaxing I mean with me so they don't have to worry about my whereabouts) for their big anniversary

  • Keep making people smile via my social media post and inspire others to be more positive.

  • Continue to be an advocate for the causes we suppawt (and especially the difference that therapy visiting dogs make, and the charities we can help via the sales of my calendars and our "brothers from another mother" range of merchandise), and promote responsible dog ownership and adoption. Use my "public figure" status to raise awareness of them and share all the love I receive.

With thanks to all the charities, media, accounts, brands and venues we had the honour to work with this year. We are looking paward to collaborating again in 2018!

for people who love dogs

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