Wedding & Lifestyle
Marcel le Corgi
the travel, leisure and lifestyle blog
for dogs and well-behaved humans
London (UK) & International
Wedding & Lifestyle
for people who love dogs
Bone Jour, my name is Marcel.
I'm a fluffy Pembroke Welsh corgi dog living in London (UK) with my French humans (wedding and lifestyle photographer Aurélie aka "Maman" - the content creator behind my social media and blog - and "Papa", Michelin star trained chef and food content creator Pierre).
I also go by the names "Le Corgi" (my social media handles), "Corguide" (for corgi guide), "His Royal Lowness" (because I'm the most down to earth member of The Royal Family, literally!) or anything for a treat really!
I'm an enthusiastic Travel & Food Critic* (14 countries so far), volunteer Therapy Visiting Dog and now live with IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease).
Our goal is to make you smile, and inspire pups (& well-behaved humans) to care, explore, make memories and live life to the fullest!
*views & treats mine
Life is short (and so are my legs) so make the most of it!
Le lastest on le blog:
le latest on le gram:
